Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Shock Corridor

dir. Samuel Fuller
USA, 1963

The Johnny in this that becomes catatonic a relation to the Johnny in Vertigo who becomes catatonic?

The murder plot strangely muted, the film is grouped around three monologues that split off into the colours of eastern religious rituals (Japan, Korea), three monologues from American contradictions. The US soldier who defected to "the Reds" only to be re-re-brainwashed into extreme US patriotism: he now thinks he's General Robert E Lee. The educated black "founder" of the KKK, parading down the corridor (known as "the street") with a banner reading "Integration and Democracy Don't Mix". The Nobel Prize-winning scientist who worked on the atom bomb now reduced to the mental age of a 6 year-old, drawing crude portraits of the other patients.

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