Monday, 24 December 2007

Forgotten films

I have been watching a lot of films recently and have forgotten (or been too lazy) to write about them. I shall however write about one in detail in a following post. This post shall be a quick resume of the films I've seen.

Roger Dodger
dir. Dylan Kidd

Very, very well written story of a cynical ad man (Campbell Scott) giving his geeky, teenage nephew Nick (Jesse Eisenberg, who you may remember as the older brother in the excellent The Squid And The Whale) a crash course in seduction one night in Manhattan. It's a fantastically observed tale of awakening, both teenage and adult, with marvellous performances by Scott and Eisenberg.

American Splendour
dirs. Shari Springer Berman & Robert Pulcini

Yes I know I'm a bit late with this one, and I can't really add much to what's already been written. Very inventive for the first hour or so before falling back into more familiar biopic formulas, although carried through by the remarkable performance by Paul Giamatti.

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