Wednesday, 14 November 2007

More than expected...

Sometimes it's good to take stock. On opening the various scenes of our ever-changing script, I began to get a little confused. We have two realities to play with and it was becoming increasingly uncertain where and when we were switching. Whilst that can be an effect created for the viewer, if the writer shares the same confusion then it's generally a bad sign. I always try to keep hold of the near-maxim: The writer needs to know everything about every character at every minute.

To make more sense of it, I put all the scenes together (we have three "Parts" and each Part has numbers, so we have Part I - 1 but also Part I - 1 - 1) in their logical order and to my surprise discovered (a) it makes far more sense than I thought it would and (b) we have a third of the film. It made me think that we are actually getting somewhere. Every time me and my writing partner Tobias talk, we come up with more ideas, stripping away excess scenes, dialogue, ideas and coming up with newer, more streamlined ones.

Sometimes the end seems to be getting further away, but there's always something to spur you on. Confidence is one, I really think we can come up with a good script and make a good film from it. Excitement is another. We talked at the weekend and tackled the problems posed by the confusion detailed above. In simultaneously making it more rigid and flowing, I think we've achieved some sort of balance and hopefully the structural problems are more behind us than in front of us.

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